Author Archives: Security Connection

Security Systems and Crime Investigation

The main function of a security system for the home or business is to empower the owner and protect the property and inhabitants of the particular structure. There’s no way to completely prevent all potential attacks from occurring, but having digital eyes and ears helping to survey around the clock is always beneficial. The advances […]

The Things Intruders Don’t Want Homeowners to Know

The point of having a security system is to keep your loved ones (and your home as a whole) as safe and protected as possible. However, this can only be properly achieved if the system is properly (and professionally installed and maintained) used. Having a system stand on it’s own isn’t enough to ward off […]

How To Purchase Security Equipment Effectively

When it comes to making purchases most people feel that they are experts and are able to buy almost anything with no issue (mainly because of things such as the internet and people leaving thorough reviews on the products/service they’ve purchased; this creates a system in which more people are able to make purchases more […]

Growth of Intrusion Technology

The interesting thing about time is that it’s limited and always moving forward. Technology will only continue to improve and become more streamlined as time goes on, and the idea of integrating technologies together to create something much greater will only continue to occur as well. When it comes to home/business security the idea of […]

Optimizing The Security Of Your Business

What better time than the start of a new year to assess the current state of your business’ security system. The physical safety of any business is important and ensuring that you are adequately protected can offer increased peace of mind. Here are some tips to optimize the security of your business: ‘Maintain What You […]

Creating A More Secure 2017

The new year is almost here, which means a few things: a fresh start to everything and innovative new ways to solve old problems. It also means refining the things that already work to make them more efficient. In terms of home security and automation an expert in the field predicts exactly what that entails: ” For […]

Security Systems for Commercial Properties

The importance of security systems has become more prevalent as time progresses; besides being able to keep people protected, they are also able to utilize the greatest advances in technology to provide real time surveillance which can be viewed across smartphone devices, from anywhere. When it comes to safeguarding businesses and commercial properties, the benefits […]