Author Archives: Security Connection

Home Automation Benefits

Technology continues to help make our lives run smoother and more efficiently everyday. The fact that most people have smartphones (which offer up the ability to control many aspects of your life at the simple click or swipe of a finger) means that we are living a much more connected life than we were 10 […]

Location, Location, Location: Best Spots for Security Cameras

Location is everything..if we were all in Hawaii, we’d never have to worry about harsh cold Canadian winters! More so though, the location of certain things within the home can dictate how one is able to properly navigate and work with other necessary elements (having your fridge in the basement and away from the kitchen doesn’t make […]

Pet Immune Motion Detectors

Families come in all different shapes and sizes; some people fill their homes with children, others with children of a more furry variety. Regardless of the type of family within your home, the thing that outweighs all else is safety. However, when it comes to the pets in your home, certain measures have to be […]

Benefits of Wearable Security Tech

The peace of mind that a good security system offers is worth its weight in gold; being able to effectively and consistently protect your loved ones and personal possessions that are within your home is important, but being able to protect those close to you at all times wherever they happen to be is even […]

The Benefits of Structured Cabling

When something is properly structured it’s ability to be its most effective is greatly elevated; basically, the better something is designed and built, the better it will work and the longer it will last. For the most effective home security systems the idea of sound structure is no different, in fact structured cabling is a […]

Home Security Tips

What is the main reason why people choose to outfit their home with a security system? To protect what is most important to them: loved ones and sentimental possessions. Besides your Ottawa home security professional, who would know more about securing your home? The same people you are trying to keep out. Here are some […]

Safety Proofing Your Home For Cooler Months

The sun may still be shining brightly, but don’t let that fool you; the mornings and evenings have begun getting much cooler. Besides ensuring that your furnace is in proper working order and wearing warmer clothing there are a few other important things that should be done when it comes to safety and comfort within […]